Saturday, September 4, 2010

Harvest Day!

Today was declared as the day for harvesting the corn at the Amani garden. This is located a few kilometers up a road behind Amani. Two staff members maintain it on a regular basis and the kids and the rest of the staff help out throughout the year. This huge field consists primarily of corn with a small plot of the land used to grow some vegetables. Now, you may be asking, “What in the world do they grow so much corn for?” Let me start by saying that everyone grows corn here. The corn is used to make Ugali, which is a staple of Tanzanians’ diet .It is basically like super thick grits and it takes a lot of dried out corn to feed 70 kids and 50 staff a couple times a week. Despite the heat and multiple scratches all over our arms and legs from the dried out corn stalks, it was a lot of fun especially after the truck was loaded and everyone piled in for the trip back to Amani. The corn is stored on the ground floor and will be shucked off the cobs within the next few weeks.

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